The SHIN+NA story begins with a high school friendship. Haeshin Park and Hanna Choi first connected over a mutual love for design and aesthetics. They shared similar tastes in timeless pieces, and further explored their craft through art programs.
After high school, Haeshin studied graphic design at San Francisco State University and obtained her Master’s degree in interior design from the Pratt Institute in New York. She went on to design spaces for retail and hospitality for several years. What she loved about interior design was the challenge of intersecting branding, style and functionality.
Hanna's appreciation for art and fashion led her to Tokyo, Japan. She studied at Bunka Fashion College with advanced level focus on knitwear design. What Hanna loved about her time in Tokyo was the opportunity to immerse herself in Japanese culture, city life and design, which ultimately shaped her approach as an artist.
Some years later, Haeshin and Hanna reconnected over a shared aspiration to create everyday pieces that were both functional and elegant in their simplicity. And in 2017, their namesake brand SHIN+NA was born.
In Korean “shin na” means excited. Aptly expressing Haeshin and Hanna’s genuine excitement for a brand that is both a creative outlet as well as an opportunity to connect with a like-minded community.
Today, “Simplicity as an art form” continues to be one of SHIN+NA’s guiding design principles. The Los Angeles based designers utilize cotton fabric as the perfect blank canvas to craft durable, everyday tote bags. Locally made, each piece embodies minimalist lines and superfunctional design.